This Enviro Buggy is even more ecologically friendly as it utilizes lithium batteries that can last up to 8 hours depending on the power of the vacuum being used. Items are sucked into the main collection bin and once ready to be emptied, the operator slides the spillage side covers down and then releases the main collection bin handle for the door to open. The main collection bin has a tilting mechanism for ease of item removal at a 45-degree downward angle. Sand or water can then be released by pulling the trap door handle open at the bottom of the collection bin.
Specifications (fully assembled)
1.7 m x 1.2 m x 1.7 m
+- 240kg complete with batteries
Specifications (flat-pack position)
1.9 m x 1.3 m x 0.9 m crated
+- 190kg complete without batteries
Steering arm
Control unit on the steering arm consisting of:
Battery Indicator displaying percentage of power available
Main switch (on/off)
Forward and reverse switch
Main vacuum switch (on/off)
Vacuum strength switch
Cable supply leading to battery box at the rear
Front cont.
Spring-loaded throttle type hand grip located on the steering arm (motor bike type) for speed control.
Arm sling and arm rest for better support when operating the vacuum pipe
One 3m PVC pipe with a diameter size of 0.1m.
Two 0.5cm PVC pipes for cleaning more areas around the Buggy at once
Main collection bin consisting of:
Viewing window to check how full the bin is
Release handle to open main collection bin door
Two side spillage covers with handles to prevent items falling off the sides of the main collection bin when emptying
Trap door with release handle to release sand or water from the collection bin
Pneumatic wheels (golf cart type) 0.4 m diameter x 0.17 m wide and 0.2 m inside rim diameter
Vacuum motor
Drive motor to propel forward and reverse
Battery box consisting of:
48V lithium-ion batteries
Battery charger
Two motor controllers