Sea The Bigger Picture, a Cape Town-based non-profit organization established in 2018 whose focus is on coastal environmental education, solutions for ocean pollution, and marine pollution awareness, highlighted the ever-daunting exercise of trying to pick-up and sort micro-plastics, as well as medium and large sized trash during their regularly-held beach cleans.

The intention and motive to relieve the shorelines of the shadowing waste accumulation sparked the partnership between Tau General Engineering and Sea The Bigger Picture; the latter proceeding to establish STBP Ocean Tech as a means of creating education driven initiatives by utilizing new technological equipment for ultimate custody over environmental solution-focused tech advancements.

Based in Johannesburg, Tau General Engineering then designed and manufactured the simple, yet vastly effective problem-solver to a global crisis affecting not only our oceans, but all other vital eco-systems too.

Both companies strongly advocate for the notion of ‘prevention before cure’ but believe that what they do in-between will also show proven rehabilitation – resulting in faster environmental resilience against our damaging habits within nature.

From a beautiful beach in Cape Town, to inside the walls of our Johannesburg-based general engineering firm, we each started on our own doorstep to halt the consequences of waste mismanagement the best way we knew how: discuss, design, develop.

We cannot stop humans from consuming the copious amounts they do, nor stop every person from littering, neither do we have the power to take on public and private systems failing to educate, as well as to keep trash flowing from inland to the oceans, but we are acting in restricting the waterways and oceans’ exposure to the waste.


Our immediate aim is to guarantee that marine wildlife, as well as other wildlife exposed, won’t meet continuously with the trash and perhaps find itself imperiled in some way or another.


Our global goal is to lessen litter on land, which leads to the beaches and ocean, causing serious direct harm to marine life, and nature in its entirety.


Our all-round vision is to create awareness and education about the vicious cycle of pollution, the measures needed to be taken, and to be an example of how humans and technology can work together to stop litter from reaching its ultimate ‘hang out’ spot in our incredible life-giving waters.